Our district has set strict rules about the way common core should be graded.
There should not be any averaging of grades or putting A,B,C's on papers.
We are to watch the students and see their growth and understanding of the content to be taught.
This sounds great, but we still have to use the computer grading program to do our grade cards.
I just feel the computer version does not meet the needs of the common core grading.
I made this grade book for me to keep track of student progress and scores on assignments so I can look at and interpret the data.
This is my 3 ring binder I carry every where during the day to jot down notes and observations.
I have tabs for individual students and tabs for each common core content area.
I copied the pages of my gradebook on different colored paper to make it easier to identify. I have even started using different colored pens to match the standard on each paper.
This is a sample page from the writing section.
The students were to write a sentence explaining what pet they liked and why they liked it.
The standard for this type of assignment is "writing informative text."
I marked this code as W2 in the grade book.
I have been writing notes about observations of each individual student.
This way I can look at and notice "oh, Johhny has not had a problem with periods in awhile or I keep noticing capital letters are not used over and over. I better work with him on that more."
Each week I write down the spelling words the student did not pass.
This way we can restudy and try again next week.
Sight words are the same as spelling.
This student has now mastered the word tap. I crossed it out.
Below are other items I keep in the binder:
Weekly phonics and reading words chart
Word fluency chart
DIBELS test results
I am still working out the bugs, but I feel I have a better understanding of the common core grading.
To get a free copy of my gradebook go to
hurry free until 9-17-12